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Children’s Nursery owner mis-sold swap on Panorama (our client)

Vedanta Hedging’s client, Michael Whelan who runs Kite’s Nurseries in Newport, Wales is featured in BBC One’s Panorama investigation tonight.

The link showing Michael and Katherine Whelan tell their story can be seen here:

Vedanta Hedging’s team have acted as Derivative Experts to the Panorama Production team, providing extensive advice and support over recent months.

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Nadia has a degree in Business Management and a Diploma for Financial Advisers (Level 4). She has ten years of experience in financial services. This includes FSA regulated adviser roles in HSBC, Halifax and Nationwide. As senior manager at Vedanta Nadia is responsible for managing the office, client contact and marketing for the business.

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Nadia has a degree in Business Management and a Diploma for Financial Advisers (Level 4). She has ten years of experience in financial services. This includes FSA regulated adviser roles in HSBC, Halifax and Nationwide. As senior manager at Vedanta Nadia is responsible for managing the office, client contact and marketing for the business.