Mr. Abhishek Sachdev of Vedanta Hedging Limited was interviewed and featured in the latest January 2017 issue of the Wealth & Finance International magazine. Briefly elaborating on the background of the company and its principles, Mr Sachdev explains that the key philosophy of Vedanta Hedging Limited is to add transparency to financial management and hedging process. He further discusses the types of services we provide as an advisory team with years of industry experience, to help businesses to navigate through complex areas of Interest Rates and FX hedging. The article talks about why it is vital for businesses to understand the risks before getting into a hedging transaction.
The article further discusses the success we have achieved in the past as a team highlighting few key victories and cases that we played a vital role as a hedging advisor. As described by Mr Sachdev, Vedanta Hedging Team is a diverse team of investment professionals who brings in an impactful level of experience, totalling over 165 years, specialising in areas such as corporate and investment banking, asset management, hedge funds and private banking.
Standing at the dawn of Brexit process, 2017 is expected to be one of the busiest years for Vedanta Hedging Limited. The article draws the attention to the challenges and opportunities that are ahead of us in the brand new year, and how Vedanta Hedging team is setting up plans and strategies to best serve our clients achieve the solutions and peace of mind they seek.
Please click here to download/read the full article.
If you believe you are at the risk of ending up with a “bad bargain with your Interest rates or FX hedging transactions, or if you think you have suffered losses with GRG or similar redress schemes, please contact us as it is better to be prepared and protect your legal position.